πŸš€New Name: Deploy StarShip

The StarShip NFT Game is officially changing its name to Deploy StarShip!

This important bit of rebranding serves to highlight StarShip’s focus in bringing the NFT game to the forefront of our ecosystem while allowing it to stand out alongside other strong names within the gamefi genre. While StarShip will continue development in other areas of its ecosystem, like its centralized exchange, we are proud to offer Deploy StarShip as our featured product moving forward. We hope you will find this a natural fit and join us in celebrating this moment as we continue to make our mark in NFT gaming history!

While we will be updating our various sites over the next few days, you’ll find that many of the blockchain references will still stay the same due to its absolutely immutable nature. Examples of this include:

-starshipnft on Atomic Hub -starshipgame on wax.bloks.io -various wallets, etc that have already been created

Last updated